I’m new here.

Where and how to start


It’s always a real joy for us to meet new people and welcome new members to our church family. Our desire is to help lead people in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

You’re invited to join us as you experience Christ through an empowering message that will ultimately lead you to engage with those around you. Come see what God can do through you!

How is our church
different than others?

One of distinct things about our church is that we’re an all-generations community. There’s a place for you here.

Click Here to learn more about us (Vision, Mission, Values)

Who is
the lead pastor?

Raul Rangel (a.k.a. Pastor Raulo) has been the Lead Pastor here since 2011. He’s known his wife from childhood, they were married in 1996, and now they have the privilege of pastoring this great ministry together. They have 2 beautiful daughters (Jewel & Callista) and 1 handsome son (Job Alexander) – all three play a big role in the daily operations of the ministry.

Pastor Raulo’s style of teaching God’s Word is geared towards making God’s Word tangible – able to reach both the soul and the spirit of mankind.

Plan A Visit

We’re so glad you’re considering giving us a visit! Here are the top 3 commonly asked questions:

What kind of church are you?
We’re a church that exists for the unchurched, de-churched, and the church. No matter where you stand on your belief in God, you are welcome. Click here to see our statement of beliefs.

What should I wear?
Our church has a “come as you are” atmosphere. You will see some dressed up; some dressed casual. The only expectation for attire is – DON’T COME NAKED! 🙂

How long are your church services?
Usually… not longer than 1.5 hours. We love to praise, worship, hear God’s Word, and most importantly, let God have His way. As a result, it becomes the fastest hour and a half of your life!

For more information, please don’t hesitate to send us a message at: info@thexperience.faith


Sundays @ 10:00 a.m.

Wednesdays @ 7 p.m.


9777 Leopard St.
Corpus Christi, TX

Class 101

Interested in getting connected at our church or involved in the life of the church? Discovering Church Membership (Class 101) is your first step.

During our time together, you’ll meet our pastors, learn how to get involved and understand key truths of the Christian faith. This class is designed to be a conversational environment where you discover more about our church and our mission as a church. Class 101 is held Sundays (once every quarter) at noon in the fellowship hall and includes a free lunch.

How else can  I get involved?

1) Come to a worship service on the weekend.
2) Join a Small Group, and get to know some great people.
3) Join us on Wednesday evenings, and enjoy a meal with the church family.
4) Find a Serve opportunity, Here, Near or Far.